Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How to get an ex boyfriend back

It was very painful when he told you it was over. You were confused, angry, sad, ready to strike back.

But when you have calmed down, you find you do miss him. You find yourself engaged in long, rambling conversations with yourself asking questions like,what did I do, was it my fault and what could I have done differently? And most importantly - what can I do to get him back?

The good news is that there are things you can do to win him back.

A word of warning

Before you do anything elss, you need to take a good look at yourself and your actions. Are you acting overly anxious? Are you acting inappropriately – calling, emailing or texting too often so that you look desperate or clingy. Are you trying to lay a guilt trip on him?

You need to be careful because acting like this can just drive him further away.
What is the The Magic of Making Up! Click on this link to find out.
A strategy to follow

After you've taken a good look at yourself - if you've found you've been acting appropriately, the next step is to break off all contact for awhile - maybe even several weeks. Remember the old saying, “how can I miss you if you won't go away.”

Then, instead of focusing entirely on your ex boyfriend, you can focus on yourself. Think how you can make your own life better. Spend time with friends. Dig into a new hobby. This will be a difficult and challenging time and will require a great deal of self discipline on your part.

Work with human nature and not against it

Keep reminding yourself that the key to this strategy is to work with human nature and not against it

When you do reestablish contact, don't appear to be desperate or anxious. Think about how things were at the beginning of the relationship and why he fell in love with you in the first place. When you do see him again – try to emphasize those traits that attracted him to you. Was it your honesty, your sense of humor, the way you responded to his needs? Whatever it was, try to act the same way – and show him the same person – that first attracted him to you.

You'll win our ex back when you learn the secrets of The Magic of Making Up!/

Play a little hard to get

If he starts to show an interest in restoring the relationship, relax and take it easy. Play a little hard to get - but not too hard to get. Does he want to see you next Saturday? Sorry, you already have plans – and don't tell him what they are. It's none of his business at this point. But you could see him maybe a week from Saturday.

Restore that “balance of power”

Keep yourself a little distant and implement these basic strategies. This can help you restore a “balance of power” in the relationship. Plus, you will have given your ex time to remember why he loved you to begin with. Be sure to let him make the first move. Do all this and chances are, you will rescue the relationship. And then you can stop asking "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back"

A fast, easy solution

If you are in pain and confused, think about this. Couples reunite every day regardless of the situation!

The secret is a system called The Magic of Making Up!.At this point, I must WARN YOU…STRONGLY WARN YOU…the advice and methods taught in this system are VERY unconventional. But if you follow the teachings in this course, the next thing you know... he'll be back home, laying back on the couch and watching LOST with you.

I know this sounds outrageous, but the guy who teaches this course guarantees results. He says if you are not back together with your ex within 60 days…or you are not absolutely delighted for any reason…You will receive a prompt and courteous refund." Be sure to go and check out The Magic of Making Up!.RIGHT NOW and start winning back that ex boyfriend.

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