Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Story

I had dated, let's call her Diane, for about a year and a half – until I broke up with her ... suddenly and with no warning.


There were a couple of reasons.

First, I was twice divorced and scared to death I was making the same mistake that I had with my second wife – that I had fallen into a relationship too quickly just because it felt so good after a really bad marriage.

Second, as hard as this is for me to admit, I was feeling the grass might be greener somewhere else.

My big mistake

Diane eventually agreed to start seeing me again but it was never the same. The mistake I made was to give her all the power. I was just too anxious to reconnect. I was needy and desperate and ready to accept any crumbs.

In short, I was an idiot.

ortured by past memories

I finally ended it totally. It was just too painful to continue.

I grieved for nearly a year over the loss of our relationship.

Is this you?

Maybe you know how I felt. How I kept the radio off because there were too many songs that reminded me of my ex.

How I was constantly checking email and voice mail to see if my ex had called.

How I was not going out because I was afraid to miss a call.

Worst of all, I spent endless hours rehashing what I should have done and rehearsing what I might say if I were to bump into her.

Why I wish this book had been available

It was too late to get Diane back when I discovered a book titled “The Magic of Making Up, How to Get Your Ex Back.”

I have no doubt it could have saved the relationship. It taught me all the things I had done wrong and what I should have done right.

Here are just a few of things I learned from 'The Magic of Making Up"
  • I learned that most relationships can be salvaged. You may find it difficult to believe that almost every break up for whatever reason can be fixed.

  • How to tell if your ex still cares. There are strong clues your ex leaves that says you still have a special place in his or her heart…and there's only one thing you need to look for. This advice alone almost made it worth buying the book.

  • Exactly what to say and what to do to get your ex back on a date. The author says this has worked hundreds if not thousands of times.

  • The Instant Reconnect Technique – a sort of "psychological judo" that will trick your ex lover's mind into thinking you are still together.

  • That there's a bonding secret so powerful is it is literally relationship magic. It is undetectable, unnoticeable and 99.99% of the human population can not defend against it.
A word of warning

At this point, I must warn you … strongly warn you…the advice and methods you will find in “The Magic of Making Up” are very unconventional.

This is because the book was not written by a trained therapist or counselor.

It was written by an Arkansas county boy named T. W. Jackson, or T. Dub as he likes to be called.

T. Dub was a military brat and in the military himself. He lived in dozens of homes…in 11 countries... and lived-long term in 5 states in the U.S.

The thing is, he got a ton of practice keeping relationships together…and putting them back together after they had come apart…because the divorce rate for military couples is so much higher than average.

And he's poured all this experience into “The Magic of Making Up.”

Here's his guarantee

OK, so maybe you're like I was – thinking what the heck can I learn from T. Dub who isn't even a licensed therapist?

What sold me was his guarantee.

He says that if you buy “The Magic Of Making Up” and are not back together with your ex within 60 days…or you are not absolutely delighted for any reason…he will give you a prompt and courteous refund.

So what the heck do you have to lose?

I strongly urge you ...

I STRONGLY urge you to click on this link and go learn more about "The magic of Making Up" because just imagine what it would be like if you could ...
  • Listen to music again without being tortured by past memories
  • Go about your day with a light heart
  • Get your appetite back
  • Sleep restfully again
  • Get back to planning for the future instead of living in the past
You have nothing to lose and the most important thing in the world to gain … your ex back.

PS: The stuff that T Dub teaches doesn't just work.

It may work too well.
click here now to learn why ..